The League also advances in central Italy and Bossi calls for a immediate return to the polls. An underrated political phenomenon? It could say yes. In the late nineties, not long ago, in an interview with Paul Rumiz, Carlo Tullio Altan considered unlikely that the idea of \u200b\u200bPadania attecchisse Italian imagination so as to influence the social and political life.
Twelve years later, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the electoral weight of the League and the ability to influence through rhetoric and populist left many Italians clear picture of a country that remembers its own identity categories.
There was never time to "make Italians" or perhaps historical events have done to weaken the very idea of \u200b\u200bnation. Built on a weak and in constant oscillation between nostalgia and invention of tradition, Italy is increasingly fragmented in a sea of \u200b\u200blocal content pushed from politics 'shouted' League, the most obvious degeneration of the crisis of Italian culture, in which a South looks back to an idyllic past.
A fragile country, two marches, huddled in increasingly nostalgic patina, where globalization ends up local brands and no regrets. And just at the stage where we asked the Italian party system an effort to combat the crisis, Europe to accept the challenge, to give cohesion to the country, have lost the roles of mediation. Civil society will no longer feel represented, in a dizzying spiral, political parties, trade unions and social and cultural institutions have lost credibility.
We're used to seeing workers invent new forms of protest, the complete indifference of the institutions, journalists and intellectuals call for alternatives, the ones that should be part of a political program, the containment of the common people or the sudden anger solutions. In this context, bewildering, Italy "invented" traditions, to use Hobsbawm and Gellner, resumes or nostalgic reminiscences of a lost past, made of glory and success, using it in key highly emotional.
A magma
confused feelings and anxieties, which the Northern League has built a demagoguery made of demonizing the "enemy" generic and / or specific to merging the fears and doubts are often generated by the need to rethink the company. Now illegal immigrants, now the Community, thieving Rome first, then the mosques, cous cous, the Southerners, gays elsewhere.
A movement, the League, in fact no tradition with a program which combines the reference to the Celtic pagan rituals, such as water collected in a Po and paid in the Venice Lagoon, the construction of a ' region characterized by a Gallo-Italian language, rituals drawn from the past as the oath of Pontida.
In the end, always wins who plays on people's fears, because everyone prefers to call reality is that things that make him comfortable. Re-think the history of Italy starting from the premises and nostalgia?
Matvejevic would say that "the return to the past is only a chimera, the return of the past is a real tragedy." Imagine a past invented.
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