It's easy to judge. And you even earlier to sell a story with headlines will attract the attention of readers. In a sudden whirlwind of thoughts around, shoot the Italian gooders. Everyone was outraged, shouting all that is shameful, rant against the state and all its inefficiencies, and then, forgetting all serene and peaceful return of the event.
"Newborn taken from her mother because they were poor." The news in July, recent developments. The Court of Trent said the newly adopted and began a pre-adoptive custody. Beyond the purely legal considerations and time, the reflection should get over "the title itself and expand to several considerations.
right that justice does not always work in Italy, but the information should not only do audience, as is increasingly the case. The Provincial Councillor for Social Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, back in July, in a letter addressed to the Minister Carfagna, stressed that it was unfair to publish news that they went "to discredit the work of the Court and Social Services accused of carelessness, callousness and injustice. We can not get the message and that 'enough to be economically difficult to see each other or steal a child instead of punishing the institutions that help poor people'. "
The crux is this: do not get the message that poverty is an injury. I do not think that in Italy it is, let alone children who escape easily from their mothers. Indeed, one can say otherwise. Sifting around for news, there is only a few timid nod to earlier reports drawn up by social services delivery, instability and "poverty" emotional fragility of women. Should know the details, but in Italy a few interested. It 's easier to crank it up with the clichés and prejudices, to blame the State and Justice, as if to make a single episode sfogatoio staff. And here are a must, two life stories.
G. , 7, walks every morning the paths of the school between the profanity of his mother, Italian stress, a litany that accompanies it until the entry into the classroom, from the looks of outraged do-gooders and unsuccessful attempts signal. Discomfort family, behavioral problems, dull eyes as he tries to play in the garden taking a beating classmates.
M., age 7, cook the sauce, taking care of the brother of two years, knows how to prepare pumpkin pie, as in the tradition of his country. The views have to go shopping with a teddy bear in her hands when night falls. It does not have a childhood, says that in his eyes.
At this age, the red tape they take away the right to live serenely side carefree life, the one where you should learn to dream. In these cases, all the do-gooders ready to invoke the reverse: why social services are not there? And the state? The State has failed?
This is not to judge, but to evaluate. Italy is always easy solutions at hand, and add, click. Motherhood is a right, but even more children .
Maybe you need is a change of perspective: the child at the center of interest, always.
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