The suspension of ideas. To read the document Normae de gravioribus delictis , drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in lieu of education Delicti Graviora enacted in 2001, feels a mixture of disbelief and sadness. There is even room for more outrage, you get used to that slowly seems to have become a constant in today's society. A long and protracted administration of daily doses of small, big resentment that is leading to euthanasia of thought, criticism, feeling in every sphere, political, social and cultural.
We have seen in recent months in a campaign of "normalization" of the phenomenon of pedophilia passed through the identification of other "enemies" to look at, claims against the anticlerical conspiracy orchestrated by some kind of entity, strong defense of embryos and, without fear of bottoming, deformation of homosexuality, made to appear as an illness and a drawback for those who live quietly: all to divert attention, including delusions and anachronisms, including official and unofficial positions of Cardinals and bishops, without a clear and decisive stance, if not that of words and an apology. As if it were enough.
In 31 articles, the Sacred Congregation outlines the judge for "crimes against the faith and the most serious crimes against morals or committed in the celebration of the sacraments" primarily "against the sanctity of sacrifice and sacrament of ' Eucharist " of penance, that "the most serious of attempted ordination of a woman", and - finely - Article 6:
1. The most serious crimes against morals, reserved for the opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are: 1,
the offense against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue by a cleric with a child under eighteen years; in this issue is considered as the less the person who usually has an imperfect use of reason;
2 ° acquisition or possession or disclosure at the end of lust, of pornographic images of minors under fourteen years by a cleric, in any form or by any instrument.
§ 2. The cleric who does the crimes referred to in § 1 is punished according to the seriousness of the crime, not excluding dismissal or deposition.
A crime against the suit, dismissed in a few words, as when the rape was "something" that offend public decency. Something, a quid, because these terms are the liquid matter, in a tank, one of the official documents issued hopefully not at the dictation of the Holy Spirit.
not want to attack the faith that deserves more respect. That is independent of "men" as giving all Catholics, but this sort of justification, that at times appears objectively "light", is holding if you are willing to be process as "men". Instead, as specified in a note to Father Lombardi, "since it is for the internal rules of canon law, that is the responsibility of the Church, do not treat the subject of the complaint to civil authorities." Faced
all'alleggerimento officer and official, considered a crime "against morality" and not against the dignity of the person, one wonders if we are experiencing not only the superficial part of a much larger phenomenon. And here perhaps we would expect a clear complaint, admission of guilt and solidarity especially by the Catholic community from the bottom up, those who are "violated." And instead, the uncertainty of truth, manipulation, conspiracy, silence or opaque and inexplicable - subheading - words belittle and denials from official records.
not hear the cry of the Church of the men, who should show up just outraged, why not just life must be defended "designed", but also lived. Do not you feel the breath of the great evangelical church, that of Jesus and his teachings. You do not even hear his voice stern and redundancy of the councils of the Church and excommunication. There is no need to go to the crusades or burning, just take a leap into the post-war Italian or brush up positions evergreen against abortion.
disarming and frightening at the same time, but especially offensive to the victims. To us, mere mortals, we have to remember Juvenal: "No blame can be performed by a tribunal of his conscience." Small consolation, but you do not see a way out differently.
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