Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Sharper Image Ionic Breeze Wont Turn On
Group FRATRES - "St. Michael the Archangel" announces to the whole community of the Holy Spirit and Palese what allegedly happened between the nights of 24 and December 25, 2010. Some "vile beings," they literally DAMAGED and plunder of the headquarters of the Brethren Palese located in Via Amedeo di Savoia (at the school building Duca D'Aosta) public goods and utilities for the life of the sick, to which is directed the work of about 700 members donors. Despite all of the praiseworthy Group Association not diminish its commitment, but instead continue with greater intensity. Their daily work in favor of others, while finding obstacles (even so mean!), Can be slowed, but not discouraged, All members of strong conviction that their service is and will be voluntary, anonymous, accountable, and above all free .

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traveling on vacation. reopens on 11 .01.11
testing lounge papal ends in 2010.
the chatter resumed in full swing since January: inauguration on 11 with new urgency of expression.
countless cards and so squander all.
testing lounge papal ends in 2010.
the chatter resumed in full swing since January: inauguration on 11 with new urgency of expression.
countless cards and so squander all.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
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Friday, December 17, 2010
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Third edition nativity scene
The nativity scene in its third edition will be held in the parish of Stella Maris Palese located near the marina. The opening run by the ACR (Catholic Action Youth) will be held on December 18 at 19.30 ; also provided openings for the visitors for days December 26 and the 2 AND 6 JANUARY 2011 by 19.30 to 21.30 . The animation of the crib, on any particular day, is always treated by the ACR, and all wine tasting evening will be enlivened by Christmas.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Your The Cheese To My Macaronicut Sayings
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Red Dot On End Of Nose What Is It
The Gospel of Sunday, December 5, 2010
+ From the Gospel according to Matthew
In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." For he is the one of whom had spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
And he, John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole area along the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father. " Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is stronger than me and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. " Word of the Lord

In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea and saying "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand." For he is the one of whom had spoken by the prophet Isaiah when he said: "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight."
And he, John wore clothing of camel's hair and a leather belt around his waist, his food was locusts and wild honey. Then Jerusalem, throughout Judea and the whole area along the Jordan went out to him and were baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins.
Seeing many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers! Who made you believe he can escape the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruit worthy of repentance, and do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father. " Why I say that from these stones God can raise up children to Abraham. Already the ax is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. I baptize you in water for repentance, but he who comes after me is stronger than me and I am not worthy to carry his sandals: he shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. He holds the shovel and clean up his threshing floor and gather his wheat into his barn, but will burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. " Word of the Lord
Friday, December 3, 2010
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Hello. They Demetrius.
Through images and words of the unforgettable Demetrio Nicolo , we express the feeling of the memory of a "Friend of Fatima" irreplaceable.'s passage background was recorded on a CD by him, because "could serve," emphasizing his love for classical music.
Even the photos, taken by Demetrius, the present landscape and places of San Basilio (Rosalie RC): in this town, if you will God, there will arise the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.
There are many memories and the material he has left, but we preferred to remember that, in essence, or as he often said he "The synthesis of the synthesis."
Through images and words of the unforgettable Demetrio Nicolo , we express the feeling of the memory of a "Friend of Fatima" irreplaceable.'s passage background was recorded on a CD by him, because "could serve," emphasizing his love for classical music.
Even the photos, taken by Demetrius, the present landscape and places of San Basilio (Rosalie RC): in this town, if you will God, there will arise the chapel dedicated to Our Lady of Fatima.
There are many memories and the material he has left, but we preferred to remember that, in essence, or as he often said he "The synthesis of the synthesis."
Saturday, November 27, 2010
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The Gospel of Sunday, November 28, 2010
+ From the Gospel according to Matthew
At that time, Jesus told his disciples:
+ From the Gospel according to Matthew
At that time, Jesus told his disciples:
"How were the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man . For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and took her husband until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and swept all: so shall also the coming of the Son of Man. Then two men in the field: one will be taken away and the other left. Two women grinding at the mill: one will be taken away and the other left.
Watch therefore, for ye know on what day your Lord is coming. Understand this: if the householder had known at what hour of the night the thief, have watched and would not have let his house be broken. Therefore you also be ready for, hour you do not, is the Son of Man. " Word of the Lord
Saturday, November 20, 2010
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The Gospel of Sunday 21 November 2010
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, [when they had crucified Jesus,] the people were to see, but the rulers mocked Jesus, saying, "He saved others! Save himself, if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One. "
The soldiers also mocked him, drew near to offer him and said, "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." Above him there was an inscription: "He is the king of the Jews."
One of the criminals hanging there abused him: "Are not you the Christ? Save yourself and us. " But the other rebuked him, saying: "Do you not fear of God, you who are condemned to the same punishment? We, rightly, because we get what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong. "
He said: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He answered, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Word of the Lord
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, [when they had crucified Jesus,] the people were to see, but the rulers mocked Jesus, saying, "He saved others! Save himself, if he is the Christ of God, the Chosen One. "
The soldiers also mocked him, drew near to offer him and said, "If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself." Above him there was an inscription: "He is the king of the Jews."
One of the criminals hanging there abused him: "Are not you the Christ? Save yourself and us. " But the other rebuked him, saying: "Do you not fear of God, you who are condemned to the same punishment? We, rightly, because we get what we deserve for our deeds, but this man has done nothing wrong. "
He said: "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom." He answered, "Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in Paradise." Word of the Lord
Saturday, November 13, 2010
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The Gospel of Sunday, November 14, 2010
From the Gospel according to Luke
From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, while some spoke of the temple, which was adorned with beautiful stones and votive offerings, Jesus said, "the days are coming, of the case, you will not be left one stone upon another that will not be destroyed. "
they asked him, "Teacher, when therefore will these things and what will be the sign when they are about to happen?". He replied: "Take care not to be deceived. In fact, many will come in my name, saying, "I am" and "The time is near." Do not go after them! When you hear of wars and revolutions, do not be terrified, because these things must happen first, but now is not the end. "
Then he told them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, famines, and pestilences, and there will be terrifying and great signs from heaven.
But before all this they shall lay hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to synagogues and prisons, and brought before kings and governors for my name's sake. You then have opportunity to give testimony. Put yourself in mind, therefore, not to prepare your defense, I will give you words and wisdom, so that all your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.
You will be betrayed even by parents, brothers, relatives and friends, and kill some of you will be hated by all because of my name. But not a hair of your head will perish.
By your endurance you will save your life. " Word of the Lord
Friday, November 12, 2010
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Assenblea of \u200b\u200bCatholic Action
Sunday, November 14 2010 at 17:00 in the parish hall will take place on the assembly of members of Catholic Action. The meeting will be organized as follows:
17.00 pm Prayer Meeting chaired by the assistant parish Don Antonio Eboli.
17.30 Address of the President Salvatore Schiralli diocesan and parish President Francesco Mendolicchio
Ore 18.15 Vote to elect new members of the parish council of AC
Sunday, November 14 2010 at 17:00 in the parish hall will take place on the assembly of members of Catholic Action. The meeting will be organized as follows:
17.00 pm Prayer Meeting chaired by the assistant parish Don Antonio Eboli.
17.30 Address of the President Salvatore Schiralli diocesan and parish President Francesco Mendolicchio
Ore 18.15 Vote to elect new members of the parish council of AC
Saturday, October 30, 2010
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The Gospel DiDomenico
From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, Jesus entered the city of Jericho and was passing through, when a man named Zacchaeus, chief tax collector and rich, trying to see who Jesus was, but he could not because of the crowd, because it was small in stature. So he ran ahead and be able to see him, he climbed a sycamore tree, because he had to pass that way.
From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, Jesus entered the city of Jericho and was passing through, when a man named Zacchaeus, chief tax collector and rich, trying to see who Jesus was, but he could not because of the crowd, because it was small in stature. So he ran ahead and be able to see him, he climbed a sycamore tree, because he had to pass that way.
When he came to the place, Jesus looked up and said, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house." He went down quickly and received him joyfully. Seeing this, they all murmured, "You entered the house of a sinner." But
Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord: "Behold, Lord, I give half of what I possess to the poor, and if I stole it from someone back four times as much."
Jesus said, "Today this house is coming to salvation, because it too is a son of Abraham. The Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. "
Word of the Lord
Saturday, October 16, 2010
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October 31, 2010 The Gospel of Sunday, October 17, 2010 REGISTRATION
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray always and not lose heart:
"In a town there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for anyone. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and said: "Grant me justice against my adversary."
for a while 'time he would not, but then he said to himself: "Even if I do not fear God and I have no respect for anyone, because this widow gives me so much trouble, I'll make justice because they do not bother me to be continually'" .
And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says. And maybe God will do justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? He will probably wait a long time? I tell you I will do them justice speedily. But the Son of man, when will he find faith on earth? ". Word of the Lord
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, Jesus told his disciples a parable about the need to pray always and not lose heart:
"In a town there was a judge who neither feared God nor had respect for anyone. In that city there was a widow who kept coming to him and said: "Grant me justice against my adversary."
for a while 'time he would not, but then he said to himself: "Even if I do not fear God and I have no respect for anyone, because this widow gives me so much trouble, I'll make justice because they do not bother me to be continually'" .
And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge says. And maybe God will do justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? He will probably wait a long time? I tell you I will do them justice speedily. But the Son of man, when will he find faith on earth? ". Word of the Lord
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Leonardo Da Vinci „ostatnia Wieczerza
GOSPEL (Luke 17.11-19)
GOSPEL (Luke 17.11-19)
GOSPEL (Luke 17.11-19)
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
Along the way to Jerusalem, Jesus passed through the Samaria and Galilee.
entering a village, he was met by ten lepers, which stood at a distance and said aloud: "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." When he saw them, Jesus said to them: 'Go and show yourselves to the priests. " And as they went, they were purified.
One of them, realizing he was healed, came back, praising God with a loud voice, and bowed down to Jesus at his feet to thank him. He was a Samaritan.
Jesus said: "There have been ten cleansed? And where are the other nine? You have not found anyone who would come back to give glory to God except this foreigner? ". And he said, "Get up and go ', your faith has saved you."
Word of the Lord
Saturday, October 2, 2010
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The Gospel of Sunday, October 3 2010
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
+ From the Gospel according to Luke
At that time, the apostles said to the Lord, "Increase faith in us. "
The Lord replied, "If you had faith as a mustard seed you could say to this mulberry tree" uprooted and planted in the sea to go, "and it would obey.
of you, if he has a servant plowing or keeping sheep, will say when he returns from the field, 'Come immediately and sit at the table "? He did not say rather: "Prepare to eat, the clothes cling to the sides and sérvimi, as long as I ate and drank, and after you eat and drink? Will perhaps gratitude to that servant because he was commanded?
of you, if he has a servant plowing or keeping sheep, will say when he returns from the field, 'Come immediately and sit at the table "? He did not say rather: "Prepare to eat, the clothes cling to the sides and sérvimi, as long as I ate and drank, and after you eat and drink? Will perhaps gratitude to that servant because he was commanded?
So you also, when you have done all that has been commanded you, say: "We are useless servants. We have done what was "." Word of the Lord
Sunday, September 19, 2010
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The Mediterranean "graveyard of water," between past and present
There was a time when the routes of the Mediterranean were reversed. From Italy to Libya is to win, to bring "civilization", to "return" where it was Rome, Italian immigration to open new roads. A time not far away, forgotten, closed for comfort on the back burner or maybe you just missed, as you ignore the history of Italy which until a few years ago emigrated.
It was in ancient Libya had the right, searching for morphological similarities, especially with somatic conditions and even the Sicilians, he wondered Unit even more "expansion" that would include the conquest of the other side and everything that was Roman. The same position of Italy in the Mediterranean, long bridge between Europe and Africa, was a key shift in privilege of men.
Times change, ideas are, perhaps simply reversed. The Libyans are looking for their "Promised Land" in Italy, the same who called us in an exchange of roles that today may seem paradoxical. Why is there a strange paradox in all this, there is a strange uneasiness that arises not only from a historical account, but the slow agony of a sense of humanity, the same does not seem to be referred to the agreements between Italy and Libya on the rejection of immigrants.
few days ago, Rocco Buttiglione, speaking at the book "Coffee" by Corradino Mineo, reassured the Italians: "In Libya we have ships, weapons and ammunition". There does not seem to be rules of engagement covering the operation with firearms to peaceful vessels. It does not appear.
incident of Libyan patrol boat that fired on the Italian minister Maroni has closed the question with: "They thought there were illegal immigrants on board." As if it was permissible to shoot at head height and normal to immigrants.
Someone raises the possibility of warning: do not wander into the gray area, where rejections occur in any medium and at any cost. There are economic interests at stake.
And so one wonders if the same Italy that will not allow themselves to accept that illegal immigrants die in the desert dehydrated in the Mediterranean or killed without mercy, if Catholic Italy should not come to terms with his conscience as well as seriously. Or if there are deaths and deaths of Series A Series B But here you lose the essence of man himself. As if to say, we lost humanity, but we continue to seek God
There was an ancient legend about the dead and dreary in Our Sea, lu shoo, "a leaden curtain of black mountains", not formed by clouds but by "a crowd of billions of souls who came from every world and compressed on one another in such a way that forarne layer is impossible ", the" sword of God, "driven by" a supreme justice "which hit only those who deserve, which collects the souls of "those sailors that we did wrong in life, but also the spirit of 'enemies alive and all those sailors who want to harm" because "the devil is stuck them there."
With these words, full of disturbing influences, the writer Milan picked up back in 1918, the legend told by a sailor from San Benedetto. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean as a huge "graveyard of water," a place of death of life that permeates the literature of the twentieth century, the sea teeming with sacks of dead bodies, skulls appeared on the shores of our sea, the endless stream described by Pascoli that "carried the voices of Memphis, Babylon, Nineveh, Athens, Pergamum , Alexandria, Hierosolima, "evoking the shades of the sea battles of Rome and Carthage.
For the same, and sometimes disturbing, reversal of perspectives, we learn to listen to voices from the "old Libyan shores, those for which the Italians have a long shed blood. After all, the voices of the men are all alike. Only entries.

There was a time when the routes of the Mediterranean were reversed. From Italy to Libya is to win, to bring "civilization", to "return" where it was Rome, Italian immigration to open new roads. A time not far away, forgotten, closed for comfort on the back burner or maybe you just missed, as you ignore the history of Italy which until a few years ago emigrated.
It was in ancient Libya had the right, searching for morphological similarities, especially with somatic conditions and even the Sicilians, he wondered Unit even more "expansion" that would include the conquest of the other side and everything that was Roman. The same position of Italy in the Mediterranean, long bridge between Europe and Africa, was a key shift in privilege of men.
Times change, ideas are, perhaps simply reversed. The Libyans are looking for their "Promised Land" in Italy, the same who called us in an exchange of roles that today may seem paradoxical. Why is there a strange paradox in all this, there is a strange uneasiness that arises not only from a historical account, but the slow agony of a sense of humanity, the same does not seem to be referred to the agreements between Italy and Libya on the rejection of immigrants.
few days ago, Rocco Buttiglione, speaking at the book "Coffee" by Corradino Mineo, reassured the Italians: "In Libya we have ships, weapons and ammunition". There does not seem to be rules of engagement covering the operation with firearms to peaceful vessels. It does not appear.
incident of Libyan patrol boat that fired on the Italian minister Maroni has closed the question with: "They thought there were illegal immigrants on board." As if it was permissible to shoot at head height and normal to immigrants.
Someone raises the possibility of warning: do not wander into the gray area, where rejections occur in any medium and at any cost. There are economic interests at stake.
And so one wonders if the same Italy that will not allow themselves to accept that illegal immigrants die in the desert dehydrated in the Mediterranean or killed without mercy, if Catholic Italy should not come to terms with his conscience as well as seriously. Or if there are deaths and deaths of Series A Series B But here you lose the essence of man himself. As if to say, we lost humanity, but we continue to seek God
There was an ancient legend about the dead and dreary in Our Sea, lu shoo, "a leaden curtain of black mountains", not formed by clouds but by "a crowd of billions of souls who came from every world and compressed on one another in such a way that forarne layer is impossible ", the" sword of God, "driven by" a supreme justice "which hit only those who deserve, which collects the souls of "those sailors that we did wrong in life, but also the spirit of 'enemies alive and all those sailors who want to harm" because "the devil is stuck them there."
With these words, full of disturbing influences, the writer Milan picked up back in 1918, the legend told by a sailor from San Benedetto. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean as a huge "graveyard of water," a place of death of life that permeates the literature of the twentieth century, the sea teeming with sacks of dead bodies, skulls appeared on the shores of our sea, the endless stream described by Pascoli that "carried the voices of Memphis, Babylon, Nineveh, Athens, Pergamum , Alexandria, Hierosolima, "evoking the shades of the sea battles of Rome and Carthage.
For the same, and sometimes disturbing, reversal of perspectives, we learn to listen to voices from the "old Libyan shores, those for which the Italians have a long shed blood. After all, the voices of the men are all alike. Only entries.
Friday, September 10, 2010
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"Newborn taken from the poor mother." Italy gooders of mass?
It's easy to judge. And you even earlier to sell a story with headlines will attract the attention of readers. In a sudden whirlwind of thoughts around, shoot the Italian gooders. Everyone was outraged, shouting all that is shameful, rant against the state and all its inefficiencies, and then, forgetting all serene and peaceful return of the event.
"Newborn taken from her mother because they were poor." The news in July, recent developments. The Court of Trent said the newly adopted and began a pre-adoptive custody. Beyond the purely legal considerations and time, the reflection should get over "the title itself and expand to several considerations.
right that justice does not always work in Italy, but the information should not only do audience, as is increasingly the case. The Provincial Councillor for Social Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, back in July, in a letter addressed to the Minister Carfagna, stressed that it was unfair to publish news that they went "to discredit the work of the Court and Social Services accused of carelessness, callousness and injustice. We can not get the message and that 'enough to be economically difficult to see each other or steal a child instead of punishing the institutions that help poor people'. "
The crux is this: do not get the message that poverty is an injury. I do not think that in Italy it is, let alone children who escape easily from their mothers. Indeed, one can say otherwise. Sifting around for news, there is only a few timid nod to earlier reports drawn up by social services delivery, instability and "poverty" emotional fragility of women. Should know the details, but in Italy a few interested. It 's easier to crank it up with the clichés and prejudices, to blame the State and Justice, as if to make a single episode sfogatoio staff. And here are a must, two life stories.
G. , 7, walks every morning the paths of the school between the profanity of his mother, Italian stress, a litany that accompanies it until the entry into the classroom, from the looks of outraged do-gooders and unsuccessful attempts signal. Discomfort family, behavioral problems, dull eyes as he tries to play in the garden taking a beating classmates.
M., age 7, cook the sauce, taking care of the brother of two years, knows how to prepare pumpkin pie, as in the tradition of his country. The views have to go shopping with a teddy bear in her hands when night falls. It does not have a childhood, says that in his eyes.
At this age, the red tape they take away the right to live serenely side carefree life, the one where you should learn to dream. In these cases, all the do-gooders ready to invoke the reverse: why social services are not there? And the state? The State has failed?
This is not to judge, but to evaluate. Italy is always easy solutions at hand, and add, click. Motherhood is a right, but even more children .
Maybe you need is a change of perspective: the child at the center of interest, always.

It's easy to judge. And you even earlier to sell a story with headlines will attract the attention of readers. In a sudden whirlwind of thoughts around, shoot the Italian gooders. Everyone was outraged, shouting all that is shameful, rant against the state and all its inefficiencies, and then, forgetting all serene and peaceful return of the event.
"Newborn taken from her mother because they were poor." The news in July, recent developments. The Court of Trent said the newly adopted and began a pre-adoptive custody. Beyond the purely legal considerations and time, the reflection should get over "the title itself and expand to several considerations.
right that justice does not always work in Italy, but the information should not only do audience, as is increasingly the case. The Provincial Councillor for Social Policies of the Autonomous Province of Trento, Ugo Rossi, back in July, in a letter addressed to the Minister Carfagna, stressed that it was unfair to publish news that they went "to discredit the work of the Court and Social Services accused of carelessness, callousness and injustice. We can not get the message and that 'enough to be economically difficult to see each other or steal a child instead of punishing the institutions that help poor people'. "
The crux is this: do not get the message that poverty is an injury. I do not think that in Italy it is, let alone children who escape easily from their mothers. Indeed, one can say otherwise. Sifting around for news, there is only a few timid nod to earlier reports drawn up by social services delivery, instability and "poverty" emotional fragility of women. Should know the details, but in Italy a few interested. It 's easier to crank it up with the clichés and prejudices, to blame the State and Justice, as if to make a single episode sfogatoio staff. And here are a must, two life stories.
G. , 7, walks every morning the paths of the school between the profanity of his mother, Italian stress, a litany that accompanies it until the entry into the classroom, from the looks of outraged do-gooders and unsuccessful attempts signal. Discomfort family, behavioral problems, dull eyes as he tries to play in the garden taking a beating classmates.
M., age 7, cook the sauce, taking care of the brother of two years, knows how to prepare pumpkin pie, as in the tradition of his country. The views have to go shopping with a teddy bear in her hands when night falls. It does not have a childhood, says that in his eyes.
At this age, the red tape they take away the right to live serenely side carefree life, the one where you should learn to dream. In these cases, all the do-gooders ready to invoke the reverse: why social services are not there? And the state? The State has failed?
This is not to judge, but to evaluate. Italy is always easy solutions at hand, and add, click. Motherhood is a right, but even more children .
Maybe you need is a change of perspective: the child at the center of interest, always.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
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Italy "invented", between sentimentality and nostalgia
The League also advances in central Italy and Bossi calls for a immediate return to the polls. An underrated political phenomenon? It could say yes. In the late nineties, not long ago, in an interview with Paul Rumiz, Carlo Tullio Altan considered unlikely that the idea of \u200b\u200bPadania attecchisse Italian imagination so as to influence the social and political life.
Twelve years later, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the electoral weight of the League and the ability to influence through rhetoric and populist left many Italians clear picture of a country that remembers its own identity categories.
There was never time to "make Italians" or perhaps historical events have done to weaken the very idea of \u200b\u200bnation. Built on a weak and in constant oscillation between nostalgia and invention of tradition, Italy is increasingly fragmented in a sea of \u200b\u200blocal content pushed from politics 'shouted' League, the most obvious degeneration of the crisis of Italian culture, in which a South looks back to an idyllic past.
A fragile country, two marches, huddled in increasingly nostalgic patina, where globalization ends up local brands and no regrets. And just at the stage where we asked the Italian party system an effort to combat the crisis, Europe to accept the challenge, to give cohesion to the country, have lost the roles of mediation. Civil society will no longer feel represented, in a dizzying spiral, political parties, trade unions and social and cultural institutions have lost credibility.
We're used to seeing workers invent new forms of protest, the complete indifference of the institutions, journalists and intellectuals call for alternatives, the ones that should be part of a political program, the containment of the common people or the sudden anger solutions. In this context, bewildering, Italy "invented" traditions, to use Hobsbawm and Gellner, resumes or nostalgic reminiscences of a lost past, made of glory and success, using it in key highly emotional.
A magma
confused feelings and anxieties, which the Northern League has built a demagoguery made of demonizing the "enemy" generic and / or specific to merging the fears and doubts are often generated by the need to rethink the company. Now illegal immigrants, now the Community, thieving Rome first, then the mosques, cous cous, the Southerners, gays elsewhere.
A movement, the League, in fact no tradition with a program which combines the reference to the Celtic pagan rituals, such as water collected in a Po and paid in the Venice Lagoon, the construction of a ' region characterized by a Gallo-Italian language, rituals drawn from the past as the oath of Pontida.
In the end, always wins who plays on people's fears, because everyone prefers to call reality is that things that make him comfortable. Re-think the history of Italy starting from the premises and nostalgia?
Matvejevic would say that "the return to the past is only a chimera, the return of the past is a real tragedy." Imagine a past invented.

The League also advances in central Italy and Bossi calls for a immediate return to the polls. An underrated political phenomenon? It could say yes. In the late nineties, not long ago, in an interview with Paul Rumiz, Carlo Tullio Altan considered unlikely that the idea of \u200b\u200bPadania attecchisse Italian imagination so as to influence the social and political life.
Twelve years later, the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, the electoral weight of the League and the ability to influence through rhetoric and populist left many Italians clear picture of a country that remembers its own identity categories.
There was never time to "make Italians" or perhaps historical events have done to weaken the very idea of \u200b\u200bnation. Built on a weak and in constant oscillation between nostalgia and invention of tradition, Italy is increasingly fragmented in a sea of \u200b\u200blocal content pushed from politics 'shouted' League, the most obvious degeneration of the crisis of Italian culture, in which a South looks back to an idyllic past.
A fragile country, two marches, huddled in increasingly nostalgic patina, where globalization ends up local brands and no regrets. And just at the stage where we asked the Italian party system an effort to combat the crisis, Europe to accept the challenge, to give cohesion to the country, have lost the roles of mediation. Civil society will no longer feel represented, in a dizzying spiral, political parties, trade unions and social and cultural institutions have lost credibility.
We're used to seeing workers invent new forms of protest, the complete indifference of the institutions, journalists and intellectuals call for alternatives, the ones that should be part of a political program, the containment of the common people or the sudden anger solutions. In this context, bewildering, Italy "invented" traditions, to use Hobsbawm and Gellner, resumes or nostalgic reminiscences of a lost past, made of glory and success, using it in key highly emotional.
A magma
confused feelings and anxieties, which the Northern League has built a demagoguery made of demonizing the "enemy" generic and / or specific to merging the fears and doubts are often generated by the need to rethink the company. Now illegal immigrants, now the Community, thieving Rome first, then the mosques, cous cous, the Southerners, gays elsewhere.
A movement, the League, in fact no tradition with a program which combines the reference to the Celtic pagan rituals, such as water collected in a Po and paid in the Venice Lagoon, the construction of a ' region characterized by a Gallo-Italian language, rituals drawn from the past as the oath of Pontida.
In the end, always wins who plays on people's fears, because everyone prefers to call reality is that things that make him comfortable. Re-think the history of Italy starting from the premises and nostalgia?
Matvejevic would say that "the return to the past is only a chimera, the return of the past is a real tragedy." Imagine a past invented.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Cydia Pokemon Sources
For the Church pedophilia is a crime against morality "
The suspension of ideas. To read the document Normae de gravioribus delictis , drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in lieu of education Delicti Graviora enacted in 2001, feels a mixture of disbelief and sadness. There is even room for more outrage, you get used to that slowly seems to have become a constant in today's society. A long and protracted administration of daily doses of small, big resentment that is leading to euthanasia of thought, criticism, feeling in every sphere, political, social and cultural.
We have seen in recent months in a campaign of "normalization" of the phenomenon of pedophilia passed through the identification of other "enemies" to look at, claims against the anticlerical conspiracy orchestrated by some kind of entity, strong defense of embryos and, without fear of bottoming, deformation of homosexuality, made to appear as an illness and a drawback for those who live quietly: all to divert attention, including delusions and anachronisms, including official and unofficial positions of Cardinals and bishops, without a clear and decisive stance, if not that of words and an apology. As if it were enough.
In 31 articles, the Sacred Congregation outlines the judge for "crimes against the faith and the most serious crimes against morals or committed in the celebration of the sacraments" primarily "against the sanctity of sacrifice and sacrament of ' Eucharist " of penance, that "the most serious of attempted ordination of a woman", and - finely - Article 6:
1. The most serious crimes against morals, reserved for the opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are: 1,
the offense against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue by a cleric with a child under eighteen years; in this issue is considered as the less the person who usually has an imperfect use of reason;
2 ° acquisition or possession or disclosure at the end of lust, of pornographic images of minors under fourteen years by a cleric, in any form or by any instrument.
§ 2. The cleric who does the crimes referred to in § 1 is punished according to the seriousness of the crime, not excluding dismissal or deposition.
A crime against the suit, dismissed in a few words, as when the rape was "something" that offend public decency. Something, a quid, because these terms are the liquid matter, in a tank, one of the official documents issued hopefully not at the dictation of the Holy Spirit.
not want to attack the faith that deserves more respect. That is independent of "men" as giving all Catholics, but this sort of justification, that at times appears objectively "light", is holding if you are willing to be process as "men". Instead, as specified in a note to Father Lombardi, "since it is for the internal rules of canon law, that is the responsibility of the Church, do not treat the subject of the complaint to civil authorities." Faced
all'alleggerimento officer and official, considered a crime "against morality" and not against the dignity of the person, one wonders if we are experiencing not only the superficial part of a much larger phenomenon. And here perhaps we would expect a clear complaint, admission of guilt and solidarity especially by the Catholic community from the bottom up, those who are "violated." And instead, the uncertainty of truth, manipulation, conspiracy, silence or opaque and inexplicable - subheading - words belittle and denials from official records.
not hear the cry of the Church of the men, who should show up just outraged, why not just life must be defended "designed", but also lived. Do not you feel the breath of the great evangelical church, that of Jesus and his teachings. You do not even hear his voice stern and redundancy of the councils of the Church and excommunication. There is no need to go to the crusades or burning, just take a leap into the post-war Italian or brush up positions evergreen against abortion.
disarming and frightening at the same time, but especially offensive to the victims. To us, mere mortals, we have to remember Juvenal: "No blame can be performed by a tribunal of his conscience." Small consolation, but you do not see a way out differently.

The suspension of ideas. To read the document Normae de gravioribus delictis , drawn up by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in lieu of education Delicti Graviora enacted in 2001, feels a mixture of disbelief and sadness. There is even room for more outrage, you get used to that slowly seems to have become a constant in today's society. A long and protracted administration of daily doses of small, big resentment that is leading to euthanasia of thought, criticism, feeling in every sphere, political, social and cultural.
We have seen in recent months in a campaign of "normalization" of the phenomenon of pedophilia passed through the identification of other "enemies" to look at, claims against the anticlerical conspiracy orchestrated by some kind of entity, strong defense of embryos and, without fear of bottoming, deformation of homosexuality, made to appear as an illness and a drawback for those who live quietly: all to divert attention, including delusions and anachronisms, including official and unofficial positions of Cardinals and bishops, without a clear and decisive stance, if not that of words and an apology. As if it were enough.
In 31 articles, the Sacred Congregation outlines the judge for "crimes against the faith and the most serious crimes against morals or committed in the celebration of the sacraments" primarily "against the sanctity of sacrifice and sacrament of ' Eucharist " of penance, that "the most serious of attempted ordination of a woman", and - finely - Article 6:
1. The most serious crimes against morals, reserved for the opinion of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith are: 1,
the offense against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue by a cleric with a child under eighteen years; in this issue is considered as the less the person who usually has an imperfect use of reason;
2 ° acquisition or possession or disclosure at the end of lust, of pornographic images of minors under fourteen years by a cleric, in any form or by any instrument.
§ 2. The cleric who does the crimes referred to in § 1 is punished according to the seriousness of the crime, not excluding dismissal or deposition.
A crime against the suit, dismissed in a few words, as when the rape was "something" that offend public decency. Something, a quid, because these terms are the liquid matter, in a tank, one of the official documents issued hopefully not at the dictation of the Holy Spirit.
not want to attack the faith that deserves more respect. That is independent of "men" as giving all Catholics, but this sort of justification, that at times appears objectively "light", is holding if you are willing to be process as "men". Instead, as specified in a note to Father Lombardi, "since it is for the internal rules of canon law, that is the responsibility of the Church, do not treat the subject of the complaint to civil authorities." Faced
all'alleggerimento officer and official, considered a crime "against morality" and not against the dignity of the person, one wonders if we are experiencing not only the superficial part of a much larger phenomenon. And here perhaps we would expect a clear complaint, admission of guilt and solidarity especially by the Catholic community from the bottom up, those who are "violated." And instead, the uncertainty of truth, manipulation, conspiracy, silence or opaque and inexplicable - subheading - words belittle and denials from official records.
not hear the cry of the Church of the men, who should show up just outraged, why not just life must be defended "designed", but also lived. Do not you feel the breath of the great evangelical church, that of Jesus and his teachings. You do not even hear his voice stern and redundancy of the councils of the Church and excommunication. There is no need to go to the crusades or burning, just take a leap into the post-war Italian or brush up positions evergreen against abortion.
disarming and frightening at the same time, but especially offensive to the victims. To us, mere mortals, we have to remember Juvenal: "No blame can be performed by a tribunal of his conscience." Small consolation, but you do not see a way out differently.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Why Do My Joints Ache And Burn
Jose Saramago, The thing Berlusconi
I do not see what else I could give the name. One thing that looks dangerously close to a human being, something that gives parties, orgies, organizes and controls in a country called Italy. This thing, this disease, the virus threatens to be the cause of death in the country of Verdi moral if a deep retching not be able to remove it from the consciousness of Italian before the poison end up corrupting their veins and shaken to the core of one of the richest cultures in Europe.
The fundamental values \u200b\u200bof human society are violated every day from the foot of the sticky thing that Berlusconi, among his many talents, has acrobatic ability to abuse of words, breaking the intent and meaning, as in the case of Polo Liberty, as you call the party with which stormed to power. I called him a criminal, this thing, and I do not regret it. For the sake of semantic and social others can explain better than me, the word thug in Italy has a negative value much greater than in any other language spoken in Europe.
To translate in a clear and effective Berlusconi what I think the thing I use the term in the meaning that the language of Dante gives him regularly, although it can advance more than a doubt that Dante sometimes I've used. Criminal, in my Portuguese, means, according to the dictionaries and the current practice of communication, "an act to commit crimes, disobey the law or moral precepts."
The definition fits with what Berlusconi without a fold, without a tie, so far as to look more like a second skin to the clothes you put on him. For many years, what Berlusconi commits crimes vary, but always demonstrated gravity. Ironically, it's not disobey the law, but, worse, makes you make to safeguard its public interests and private individuals, politicians, businessmen and accompanying minors, and as for moral precepts is not even worth talking about, not there are those who do not know in Italy and throughout the world that what Berlusconi has long been the fall in total abjection.
This is the Italian prime minister, this is what the Italian people elected twice to serve as a model, this is the road to ruin in which they dragged the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and dignity that permeated the music of Verdi el 'Political Action Garibaldi, who made Italy of the nineteenth century, during the struggle for unity, a spiritual leader of Europe and Europeans. This is what Berlusconi wants to throw it into the dustbin of history. The Italians, in the end, it will allow?

I do not see what else I could give the name. One thing that looks dangerously close to a human being, something that gives parties, orgies, organizes and controls in a country called Italy. This thing, this disease, the virus threatens to be the cause of death in the country of Verdi moral if a deep retching not be able to remove it from the consciousness of Italian before the poison end up corrupting their veins and shaken to the core of one of the richest cultures in Europe.
The fundamental values \u200b\u200bof human society are violated every day from the foot of the sticky thing that Berlusconi, among his many talents, has acrobatic ability to abuse of words, breaking the intent and meaning, as in the case of Polo Liberty, as you call the party with which stormed to power. I called him a criminal, this thing, and I do not regret it. For the sake of semantic and social others can explain better than me, the word thug in Italy has a negative value much greater than in any other language spoken in Europe.
To translate in a clear and effective Berlusconi what I think the thing I use the term in the meaning that the language of Dante gives him regularly, although it can advance more than a doubt that Dante sometimes I've used. Criminal, in my Portuguese, means, according to the dictionaries and the current practice of communication, "an act to commit crimes, disobey the law or moral precepts."
The definition fits with what Berlusconi without a fold, without a tie, so far as to look more like a second skin to the clothes you put on him. For many years, what Berlusconi commits crimes vary, but always demonstrated gravity. Ironically, it's not disobey the law, but, worse, makes you make to safeguard its public interests and private individuals, politicians, businessmen and accompanying minors, and as for moral precepts is not even worth talking about, not there are those who do not know in Italy and throughout the world that what Berlusconi has long been the fall in total abjection.
This is the Italian prime minister, this is what the Italian people elected twice to serve as a model, this is the road to ruin in which they dragged the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and dignity that permeated the music of Verdi el 'Political Action Garibaldi, who made Italy of the nineteenth century, during the struggle for unity, a spiritual leader of Europe and Europeans. This is what Berlusconi wants to throw it into the dustbin of history. The Italians, in the end, it will allow?
Friday, May 21, 2010
How To Cash A Check With Power Of Attorney
Ippolito Chiarello
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May 21 to 21 hours
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