There was a time when the routes of the Mediterranean were reversed. From Italy to Libya is to win, to bring "civilization", to "return" where it was Rome, Italian immigration to open new roads. A time not far away, forgotten, closed for comfort on the back burner or maybe you just missed, as you ignore the history of Italy which until a few years ago emigrated.
It was in ancient Libya had the right, searching for morphological similarities, especially with somatic conditions and even the Sicilians, he wondered Unit even more "expansion" that would include the conquest of the other side and everything that was Roman. The same position of Italy in the Mediterranean, long bridge between Europe and Africa, was a key shift in privilege of men.
Times change, ideas are, perhaps simply reversed. The Libyans are looking for their "Promised Land" in Italy, the same who called us in an exchange of roles that today may seem paradoxical. Why is there a strange paradox in all this, there is a strange uneasiness that arises not only from a historical account, but the slow agony of a sense of humanity, the same does not seem to be referred to the agreements between Italy and Libya on the rejection of immigrants.
few days ago, Rocco Buttiglione, speaking at the book "Coffee" by Corradino Mineo, reassured the Italians: "In Libya we have ships, weapons and ammunition". There does not seem to be rules of engagement covering the operation with firearms to peaceful vessels. It does not appear.
incident of Libyan patrol boat that fired on the Italian minister Maroni has closed the question with: "They thought there were illegal immigrants on board." As if it was permissible to shoot at head height and normal to immigrants.
Someone raises the possibility of warning: do not wander into the gray area, where rejections occur in any medium and at any cost. There are economic interests at stake.
And so one wonders if the same Italy that will not allow themselves to accept that illegal immigrants die in the desert dehydrated in the Mediterranean or killed without mercy, if Catholic Italy should not come to terms with his conscience as well as seriously. Or if there are deaths and deaths of Series A Series B But here you lose the essence of man himself. As if to say, we lost humanity, but we continue to seek God
There was an ancient legend about the dead and dreary in Our Sea, lu shoo, "a leaden curtain of black mountains", not formed by clouds but by "a crowd of billions of souls who came from every world and compressed on one another in such a way that forarne layer is impossible ", the" sword of God, "driven by" a supreme justice "which hit only those who deserve, which collects the souls of "those sailors that we did wrong in life, but also the spirit of 'enemies alive and all those sailors who want to harm" because "the devil is stuck them there."
With these words, full of disturbing influences, the writer Milan picked up back in 1918, the legend told by a sailor from San Benedetto. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Mediterranean as a huge "graveyard of water," a place of death of life that permeates the literature of the twentieth century, the sea teeming with sacks of dead bodies, skulls appeared on the shores of our sea, the endless stream described by Pascoli that "carried the voices of Memphis, Babylon, Nineveh, Athens, Pergamum , Alexandria, Hierosolima, "evoking the shades of the sea battles of Rome and Carthage.
For the same, and sometimes disturbing, reversal of perspectives, we learn to listen to voices from the "old Libyan shores, those for which the Italians have a long shed blood. After all, the voices of the men are all alike. Only entries.