There is a time of memory and time of revisionism. A "natural" law through the story, which carves out spaces more or less extensive according to political schizophrenia and temptations that distort the reality in the name of hypothetical revisions. We could mention the "waltz" of Italy dear to Bismarck, this time not as diplomatic, but the mental and cultural, that have to do with the Italian imagination and bring the ideals to be sucked into a kind of spiral that does not seem to find the end. A part of the country would wake up and not be ashamed, every day of what is happening. It would be the first goal to restore dignity to a state that slumbers peacefully, lying on the laurels of a past "shouted" where appropriate, and the complete absence of genuine concerns for the future. Something distant, elusive, contours faded.
In the 65 th anniversary of the Liberation, in what must have been a moment of national cohesion, Italy writes one of the darkest pages of its history, see April 25, 1945 reduced to a "business" plan, sees prohibit Hello Beautiful disappear and the Resistance by ministerial programs. It is an anxiety that permeates the country, the tip of the iceberg in the depths of which are troubled waters that speak of fragmented identity and a single in the balance. Old and new demands, fragility and contradictions, you can draw up a tarnished mirror in which part of Italy can be seen hardly anyone expects the other, almost a deus ex machina, to save the country adrift. A mirror in which faces and voices become confused where the variety of different areas of Italy is no longer viewed as an asset, but reduced a thorny issue to which you cling nostalgic reminiscences of invented traditions, where appropriate, such as those of the League, or ghosts that wander in the imaginary South
is to say that there is nothing to celebrate in Italy where the thread of memory is fleeting and ideals have become confused, as if thoughts of a niche in the intellectual and nostalgic: distortion of meanings and signifiers in a vicious circle in which the occurrences are reduced to ideological disputes. There is nothing to celebrate in Italy that forget the birth of democracy as a sacrifice of people who died for an ideal, people who fought and were part of a well-defined. Compared to all the dead of war and "the" war, one might add, because war is always denial of humanity, but only the revisionists who claim to omit part of the story does not make sense, they contribute only to satisfy the design Who does not want an Italy able to think freely and lost in the media obsessions. We are operating a widespread depletion of our history, untying the strings of memory to make room for gaps and silences.
There is nothing to celebrate, even in terms of dignity. Liberation as a "fight" every day brings to mind the words of Piero Calamadrei that back in (now more than ever!) 1955 warned:
"If you want to go on pilgrimage to the birthplace of our Constitution, go to the partisans in the mountains where they fell, in prisons where they were imprisoned in camps where they were hanged. Wherever an Italian died to redeem the freedom and dignity, go there, or young, with the thought that there was born our Constitution. "
Italy is in the moral de profundis, gripped by an irrational grip of indifference: choices unexplained, irrational election results, political climate increasingly unstable and dangerous advance of extremism and premises, in sharp contrast with the idea of \u200b\u200bglobalization . E again, frantic search for security within its borders, the construction of an enemy towards merging the fears and anxieties, the daily accumulation of intolerance and schizophrenia. One wonders, where's the courage to make decisions, the same that moved the thoughts of so many people died in the name of an ideal. On the wall of the cell where he was locked up Saturday viaTasso Martelli Castaldi, Brigadier General after the September 8, 1943 provided weapons and explosives to the supporters of Lazio and Abruzzo, a final message:
When your body
no longer, your spirit will be even more
live in the memory of those who remain - Fa 'that can
always be
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