I do not have the moon in my imagination and discover it was also a bit 'sad. While talking with a friend, between the philosophical and the "daily", I realized that it had a mind "levels", which stands vertically in a sense to the world, but a mind that if I close my eyes , stands along the "mobile boundaries." A metaphor for life. I see lands that run fast, then the sea, the sea calm and reassuring and at the bottom, where they touch the heavens and the earth, horizon.
Since I was little that imaginary line was the beginning of new worlds to explore, the idea of \u200b\u200ba journey in life, judging from the scenes that emerge from my mind, I get happy again. The strong desire for freedom in an advanced society that puts in chains, to paraphrase a thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, where progress means a loss of humanity and the impoverishment of society. Among the current
barbarism, the dehumanization of labor has a name that collects imbalances: insecurity, the "modern slave" labor, as they are called, behind the anonymous collaboration contracts, perhaps the best known figures when you consider the considerable which have increased in recent years. Insecurity everywhere in the private but also in the audience, where one day you thought you could find a stable, happy island in the jungle work. I have pursued for years
culture. I come from a simple family of workers to whom I have the tenacity and love for freedom, I could say metaphorically that have informed me without too many words, the idea of \u200b\u200bsailing forever in my sea by erecting the largest sail and climb over the horizon to get into other areas. When I opened the door to my future, I hope. I thought I could collect my childhood dreams, becoming a journalist or a writer, and cultivate love for writing. The first trial of temporary work I did after graduation: I did not have a problem. It was natural, was too "reassuring" to friends if I thought that they had no work.
before love and passion, the details of the employment contracts, limits on the idea of \u200b\u200bworking without subsidies, the "occasional services", are sidelined. Six years of contracts administered with some diligence, then more and more rare and, meanwhile, are passed by the silence of the archives in the "voices" of mixed classes of primary school. My little boat has flipped, blown by the wind of the need that is linked to basic needs: the family, a son, the mortgage!
On the new island, apparently safe but full of hidden dangers, I discovered a new form of precariousness and gave a more human face to the same precarious. I was not alone, locked in an archive or a library, but I began to realize that many people lived in a condition "inhuman", hanging from a telephone call, with the perception that the work was reduced to a "score", almost a 'absurd escalation of other numbers, other students, some even with a face.
This new concept of work, mistreated but became part of the Italian system, requires an awareness of modern alienation, understood not only as a worker at the strangeness of the product and the work they do, but as a result of a ' instability of relationships that generates motivation, anxiety, uncertainty. Becomes a precarious status, the natural way of thinking not only limited scope professional but, slowly, slowly turns into the staff mindset, where the future is not a hope but a non-thought. It is an alienation from tomorrow and the hope that results in an apparent resignation to life itself. Apparent. In reality, it conceals the courage to fight even without rights, to give dignity to something that is not a guarantee.
"Italy is a Republic founded on work," reads the art. 1 of the Italian Constitution.
If I think back on course in my sea, the horizon takes meaning that as a child and teenager I would not have imagined. Or, add new shades. Not only is the poetic and idyllic space to explore beyond the line where the sun is born and dies, rather a shifting boundary, "something that moves when you get close and never leave tap. Perhaps a metaphorical sense of insecurity by a more human face.
published: http://www.filcams.cgil.it/NA/nanews.nsf/2c5e41f84b643c0a852564bc004a12ae/c08569c13bdffeadc12575e5003fd7b1!OpenDocument
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