Everything was quiet and peaceful. All kept their eyes turned skyward, at one point when the sun stopped and then began to dance and jump on, stopped again and again began to dance, to the point that appeared to detach from the sky and come upon us. It was a terrible moment! ... " .
Maria da Capelinha said " The sun takes on different colors: yellow, blue, white and trembling, trembling so much that it looked like a wheel of fire were to fall on people! All shouted : 'Ah, Jesus, here we all die! Jesus, here we all die! '.
Others shouted 'O Mary, help!' - and recited the act of contrition. There was even a lady who made a general confession, and said aloud: 'I did this and that sin ...'.
Finally, the sun stood still and all gave a big sigh of relief. They were still alive and that was the miracle that the three children had proclaimed: sixty thousand people gathered there, believers and nonbelievers, testified that the singular " .
disbelief that he laughed
very interesting is also the description given by P. Lourenco Ignatius: "I was then only nine years old and attending elementary school in my country, which is 18 or 19 kilometers from Fatima. It was about noon when we were surprised by the cries and shouts of men and women who passed on the street in front the School. The teacher was the first to run on the road without being able to stop us kids behind the corressimo. In the street the people wept and cried, pointing to the sun: it was a miracle, that miracle which could be seen clearly from the upstream, where it is put my country. I feel I can not describe how I felt then and I saw [...].
Next to me was an unbeliever who had spent the morning laugh at the gullible who did all that journey to Fatima 'to see a girl'. I looked it was like paralyzed, lost, scared, with eyes fixed on the sun. Then I saw him tremble from head to toe, and raising his hands to the sky, dropping to his knees in mud, crying out: 'Our Lady! Our Lady! ' [...].
past ten minutes of terrible and extraordinary phenomena, the sun returned to his post in the same way they had come down, pale and almost without beauty ... When people are persuaded that the danger he had escaped, was an explosion of joy. All broke in a chorus of thanksgiving: 'Miracle, miracle! Blessed be the God! ' ".
When the solar phenomenon, of course, was a fact unexplained: all those people, it was soaked in water, he found himself completely dry.
the Blessed Virgin had increased its wonders to confirm the truth of the allegations of child seers and, ultimately, the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Why the concern of Mary is one: to make us understand that what Jesus said is true, indeed: the Truth! "
Archbishop Angelo Comastri
from the magazine" Mother of God, "Paul ed.San (November 2003)
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