Thought of Benedict XVI on the Fatima
" Fatima As there is nothing in the whole Catholic Church in the World " , were the words of Pope Benedict XVI to the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima. In a statement to the Agency Ecclesia, the television report made six months after the Pope's visit to Portugal, Bishop Antonio Marto, the Bishop of Leiria-Fatima, recalled a brief conversation with the Holy Father on the night of May 12, Fatima. "At the end of the procession with candles, as he was returning sula Popemobile, of course, I accompanied him, he told me, very spontaneously in German, but I translate because I set the sentence, he told me verbatim: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;How Fatima there is nothing in the whole Catholic Church in Mondo> > " . Bishop Antonio Marto recalls her own reaction to this statement by the Holy Father:" I was surprised, open mouth, I did not know what to say, when I told him: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;The Holy Father knows the Catholic Church better than I know what it is saying>> ".
by: Fatima Luz Paz, n.27, 2010
Monday, February 28, 2011
Wesley Pipes Belladonna
freedom without responsibility?
is a poignant and provocative question to be asked, watching what happens in today's society, which is not easy, indeed, perhaps, is not be met, but somehow, we will attempt to do so. First you must understand that cos' it is the responsibility: it is the awareness of knowing, to know, freedom.
fact there can be no responsibility without freedom. A free person is conscious of what he does, because it is in opportunity to decide its actions, and is responsible for his actions, his behavior. A child is not responsible for their actions. Crescendo will raise awareness of its being and action. In time he will learn and the environment in which live, especially the family, will forge that will form the personality and character. But today, What does the family? The parents of our time are really engaged in the growth of their children? They are responsible for ensuring that they solemnly pronounced, the desire to form a family, the awareness of what is involved in this effort? The children learn from their parents and imitate them from an early age, it is then that should be brought up to justice, respect, solidarity, the common good. These are not just fine words, but something more ... At this point the question arises whether the men and women of today are truly free and responsible. Maybe not. The man of today seems slave of what he himself has built. The technology and the search for comfort, at all costs, are a sign of selfishness in which you close more and more, it can not allow to be free really, so you can choose. The choices we will continue with the commitment, are another sore point of humanity today. For example, the Marriage, for most of today's youth, is not covered as a lifestyle choice, but opts for a simple coexistence did not result in this, a real responsibility. why young are afraid or unwilling to marry , yet the ability to do so, perhaps because have lost faith in the 'other' in society, but above all in themselves. They do not accept the commitment, accountability requires that a Christian family, which involves personal sacrifice to give birth, but above all to raise and educate their children. Become easier to live with a pet that asks only some food and cuddle, without demanding more. Another thing is a little being that poses many questions, which involves and demands a lot, because it was brought into the world, and in need of care and guide, until, as an adult, ; can stand alone. Are you sure that love is truly giving the parents what their children are looking for or want? The children want to be blamed, that they may discern between good and evil, perhaps they expect the authority of the parents, for one day, also authoritative and responsible.
Anna Carlo
Sunday, February 27, 2011
What To Write In Boss's Birthday Card

Monday, February 28, 2011 in Stella Maris Parish Palese Bari was held a conference on "Beauty: the breath of God in creation " by Maria Teresa and Antonio Ferrari Donadei-artisti.Lusinghiera the presence of so many faithful and citizens who attended the event. At the end some questions were posed to the two artists who responded esaurientemente.Il pastor of Stella Maris Don Antonio has concluded its work by thanking all the speakers at the event and the two artists and Ferrari Donadei.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How To Make Solid Glycerin
The Gospel of Sunday, February 27, 2011
+ From the Gospel according to Matthew
Then Jesus told his disciples:
"No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other or one and despise the other. You can not serve God and wealth.
Therefore I say unto you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you wear, maybe life is not worth more than food and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Not much better than they are worth? And which of you, as you worry, can extend their lives even a little?
And the dress, why do you bother? Observe how the lilies of the field neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. Now, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will do much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? ". Of all these things go in search of the pagans. Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need.
Instead, try, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
not worry so tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its'. Word of the Lord

Then Jesus told his disciples:
"No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other or one and despise the other. You can not serve God and wealth.
Therefore I say unto you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, nor about your body, what you wear, maybe life is not worth more than food and the body more than clothing?
Look at the birds of the air neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Not much better than they are worth? And which of you, as you worry, can extend their lives even a little?
And the dress, why do you bother? Observe how the lilies of the field neither toil nor spin. Yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of them. Now, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will do much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
Do not worry, saying, "What shall we eat? What shall we drink? What shall we wear? ". Of all these things go in search of the pagans. Your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need.
Instead, try, first, the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
not worry so tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its'. Word of the Lord
Friday, February 25, 2011
Matlab 7.3 лицензия
music lessons to the test - the Seventh Symphony by Beethoven
today inaugurated the post of music lessons. are a synthesis of my outreach activities.
my urge to contribute to the cause of beauty begins with the alert by the learned and wise. my favorite, you know, is an art historian who writes incomprehensible things (but this could be a cosmetic exercise enjoyable) and certainly not attributable to the musical language. as "... a prodigious black mood of the teacher leads the listener through the maze of a series of overwhelming shock, that pierce the veil of ignorance and common place to carry us into a dimension of bold beauty ...." and so raving. (I'd like to controrubrica, in the style of the notes to the press in a powerpoint, and "translate" observations). Professor, please, more about the history of art. the music is a language and should be explained as such.
front of me a heterogeneous group with which I have no possibility to check the ability to make music by listening. I have to find common ground, as is usually appropriate to do. I propose to stimulate attention to some elements of language, according to Beethoven's perspective and multidisciplinary techniques.
you can not hear the whole symphony VII. you must train yourself to perceive sounds, mental organization and then store them with new interpretations. better propose a sequence with fragments of the 4 movements of the Seventh Symphony, in this order: III, IV, I, II. is an order that allows me to move from the easier to be less straightforward.
organize stimuli including sound and video nada, Haydn, Mozart, Baricco, the speech of the king, and of course Beethoven: select elements on which to put a magnifying glass. Unsettled this experience of listening to each other the next will be richer and aware, a sum of new skills and abilities. add items to context: rather than emphasize the history, I am interested to get used to frame the period and the listener to wear the "ears" of the time.
here the synthesis of structural elements to be analyzed: the musical phrase, its components and the logic of repetition / similarity / contrast, the symmetry of the eighteenth century and enlarged acoustic space Beethoven, with the orchestration that is enriched parts for brass and percussion, and the sonata form and the two main themes, the characteristics of the two themes that are interwoven nell'allegretto and the question of interpretation, or what the director adds to what is written on the score.
is the beginning. who wants to receive the link to listen?
today inaugurated the post of music lessons. are a synthesis of my outreach activities.
my urge to contribute to the cause of beauty begins with the alert by the learned and wise. my favorite, you know, is an art historian who writes incomprehensible things (but this could be a cosmetic exercise enjoyable) and certainly not attributable to the musical language. as "... a prodigious black mood of the teacher leads the listener through the maze of a series of overwhelming shock, that pierce the veil of ignorance and common place to carry us into a dimension of bold beauty ...." and so raving. (I'd like to controrubrica, in the style of the notes to the press in a powerpoint, and "translate" observations). Professor, please, more about the history of art. the music is a language and should be explained as such.
front of me a heterogeneous group with which I have no possibility to check the ability to make music by listening. I have to find common ground, as is usually appropriate to do. I propose to stimulate attention to some elements of language, according to Beethoven's perspective and multidisciplinary techniques.
you can not hear the whole symphony VII. you must train yourself to perceive sounds, mental organization and then store them with new interpretations. better propose a sequence with fragments of the 4 movements of the Seventh Symphony, in this order: III, IV, I, II. is an order that allows me to move from the easier to be less straightforward.
organize stimuli including sound and video nada, Haydn, Mozart, Baricco, the speech of the king, and of course Beethoven: select elements on which to put a magnifying glass. Unsettled this experience of listening to each other the next will be richer and aware, a sum of new skills and abilities. add items to context: rather than emphasize the history, I am interested to get used to frame the period and the listener to wear the "ears" of the time.
here the synthesis of structural elements to be analyzed: the musical phrase, its components and the logic of repetition / similarity / contrast, the symmetry of the eighteenth century and enlarged acoustic space Beethoven, with the orchestration that is enriched parts for brass and percussion, and the sonata form and the two main themes, the characteristics of the two themes that are interwoven nell'allegretto and the question of interpretation, or what the director adds to what is written on the score.
is the beginning. who wants to receive the link to listen?
Cervical Secretions Day 19
Catechesis: What answer to modern man? The role of the catechist.
Catechesis communicate the Word of God to man in that particular situation. To ensure that the Catechism is significant, for this man, and that's saying the right word, you must know the situation of man himself. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the situation in which man lives, at the universal level, national, regional and diocesan level, so that the discovery of the human problems of today, what are your expectations, fears, its concerns and, Catechesis in do, we can say the right word , which is significant to man. We must study the environment in which we live, and the cultural, pastoral, social and economic, so you really know what to say to the man.
Another problem is ethical relativism, that is, you lose the reference point for everyone, so it is good for some, for others it is bad, without a reliable and objective value for all, threatening cohabitation itself, is like saying Situation Ethics: now a thing they say, is good for me, tomorrow is bad.
of Gaetano Capillo
catechesis must give answers to man must say something to his problems, which need not resolve (eg. Unemployment or poverty), but must give a message of hope to address problems, to read in the Christian sense. In the Gospel we find the parable of the sower in Mark, 4: "He went out to sow ..." , Jesus Christ today, present in the Church through the Holy Spirit, continues to spread the Word of the Father in the world. This seed meets various land here is the man of today in different contexts, pastoral, cultural and social.
The Church looks with deep sorrow a multitude of men, women and children, adults and elderly who are suffering under the weight of misery, she by catechesis want to arouse in the hearts of Christians , respect for justice, the preferential option for the poor, so that its presence is really light that enlightens and transforms salt.
When there is more respect for the person and human rights are violated, Catechesis must respond. New poverty are not only material but also cultural and religious and community care. The denial of human rights weakens the person and work of the Church, in this context, it has an essential task: to discover the dignity of every human person. In this context Catechesis gives this answer: rediscovering the value of human dignity.
task of catechesis is to awaken the faith to non-practicing Christians ; to justify the faith the people simple to educated people, with childlike faith, you need to reset your faith. The baptized who hide their identity and are ashamed must testify with courage. Catechesis, in addition to courage, to give positive input to the alienation and the weakening of the sense of belonging to the Church of Christ.
A problem that must be answered Catechesis is religious indifference. Atheism is among the most serious problems of our time. It comes in different shades in the form of secularism (the man can do alone, has no need of God). It looks today as fundamentalism , be identified with the religious fanaticism (to prevail in an exaggerated way the basic things) and that also leads to religious wars.

Catechesis is communication of the Word of God . The original source is the Holy Scripture, the Word of God The Word of God has two major sections: Sacred Scripture and Tradition . There are other secondary sources of God's Word, for example. Creation is a source for doing catechesis, liturgy is another source. Anything that can provide materials to communicate the Word of God is the source to make Catechesis.
We are all responsible for Catechesis , we are all preachers of the Word of God, but there are responsibilities in order of the Pope (primarily responsible for catechesis), the Bishops, Priests, Deacons, Religious and all the lay faithful baptized. The catechist, in its peculiar physiognomy.
Recipients of Catechesis are all part of the community we all need to be catechized. There is a person who knows so well the mystery of God, it does not need to walk. Even the priests make their meetings for regular updates. We all need to continually be catechized. Recipients because we are all, if Catechesis as Christ leads us to suggest, this does not even reach the end of our lives.
What about the catechist? is the communicator of the Word, has a vocation, an identity, training, a spirituality. The Catechist teacher who must be announced, must be an educator because Catechesis is an education, to give witness to what he teaches: that to which educates must bear witness with his life.
conclude by quoting St. Augustine in "De catechizandis rudibus "Imagine that a deacon's writing for himself to give advice on how to do Catechesis. He had the feeling of become tedious, not to be heard of not be able to communicate with words, what was in her heart or mind. Augustine answers this question and wrote a booklet to give advice to the Deacon Deogratias. At the end of S. Augustine tells him to remember, when it's Catechesis, which "Who listens, listening, believes, believing, hoping, hoping, love . Catechesis must, therefore, education in faith, hope and charity.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
What Colour Is Davina Macalls Hair In The Advert
Euthanasia: Who gets the last word?
Euthanasia , literally "good death", is death that is caused intentionally to end the suffering of an incurable patient. We talk about passive euthanasia where death occurs for the suspension of treatment.
Of active euthanasia when it is caused by the medication. Having determined that the inability to care for a disease will worsen, as an end-stage cancer, the patient requires the doctor coming off the machines or at least suspend the processing of support that keep it alive. A situation similar to that active euthanasia is the assisted suicide, but there The doctor attends only. And 'the patient himself or his family from this set, to deal with physically perform the practices that led to the death. The doctor only has to stipulate the necessary drugs for the purpose and provide information on dosages and routes of administration.
In practice, therefore, it is a real form of suicide , which uses mostly drugs with direct action on the nervous system, such as barbiturates and hypnotics in high doses. Some years ago, Piergiorgio Welby, who suffers from muscular dystrophy, co-president of Concioni, which opposes the prohibitionist laws of science, wrote a letter to the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano , to request euthanasia. Not as dignified death, but as "appropriate death" to close biological existence. The role of the most discussed subject, is that doctors should be allowed to administer the "death", the contravention of the Hippocratic Oath.
The Church has, of course, thrown against euthanasia, calling a disturbing perversion of mercy that should, instead, make solidarity with the suffering of others. . The ethical guidelines of the contemporary world are moving in a narrow sense. There are two "faces" of a complex path, that the conscience of experts is urging scientists, bioethicists and politicians to demand the death by those who no longer hope for a cure.
The good death in some countries, is already regulated albeit with different definitions, from case to case, looking to start legal. In contrast, the Council of Europe adopted the Convention on Bioethics which strictly prohibits physicians to practice euthanasia.
In Italy none of the above mentioned practices is authorized by law , but in 2001, the Health Commission of the Senate has ratified the European Convention on Biomedicine which provides living will, as a form of "Informed Consent .
You will recall a passage from the Hippocratic Oath : \u0026lt;\u0026lt;I will not lead the prayer of anyone, whoever he is, pouring out in a poison or give my advice in a similar contingency>>. And yet, by the oath of Florence Nightingale: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;L'infermiera must abstain from any evil or harmful practice and should not be administered drugs knowingly nocivi>>.
must state emphatically that the dying has the right to be considered a person to death, to be informed and not misled. has the right to have relieved pain and suffering, continuous nursing care and the environment you want. should not be interventions that prolong dying. has the right to psychological and spiritual comfort in accordance with its terms of faith, closer to his loved ones and not in isolation or loneliness. to die peacefully and with dignity.
The civilization of a people is measured by the ability to serve life.
Victory Giunta
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Funny Guest Book Comments
Dream: historical considerations
S in its origins, the man considered dreams as a bridge between the earthly and the supernatural. In the most refined civilization, often, the priests of various religions lend themselves to interpretation. Soothsayers and sibyls were also consulted by the men of power, as well as by the people. Dream has always been seen as a detector of the individual history of man and also as a source where you get to guess the fate of the community. In fact, at all times, there have been people who for their great sensitivity, proved receptive to the "messages" to the needs of a whole cultural, social and spiritual. In Sacred Scripture , there are several episodes in which the dream has illuminated the history of mankind. The best known is the story of Joseph, son of Jacob (Old Testament). He sold his brothers, made a slave in Egypt, ended up in jail with a slander, interpreted dreams two of his companions in misfortune. For the next predicted one death, another return to the task of official cupbearer of Pharaoh (Gen. 40, 12-23). The latter speaks of Joseph to Pharaoh, who could not find the whole kingdom who could interpret his dream . Chiamatolo before him and exposed him his dream , Giuseppe him interpreted unambiguously. Seven years of famine would have hurt Egypt (Genesis 41, 25-32). The Pharaoh did Minister of his reign, Egypt was saved thanks to the genius of Joseph and all'accortezza. Thus, a dream saved a nation and others were helped. In the New Testament, was emblematic the dream of the other Joseph husband of Mary and foster father of Christ. Which has become apparent pregnancy of Mary, the Angel Gabriel in a dream , revealed to Joseph, who He that would was born the Son of God (Mt 1, 20-23). So Joseph, who thought to dismiss Mary in secret, did not hesitate to accept as his bride. With another dream , Egypt returned to Nazareth. Herod was dead, and nobody could do more harm to the Divine Infant (Mt 2, 19-23). After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the Good News was preached throughout the world.
many saints in Church history, had visions and dreams they detectors, because the people of God will remain enriched in the Faith. The Lord God, the prophet Joel, had announced: " I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream ". (Gl 1, 3-5). Famous are the "dreams " St. John Bosco, which, thanks to them, was helped by the Lord to understand and help young people and the Church of his time. In the last century, Sigmund Freud made the interpretation of dreams a column of his science of psychoanalysis, but it was Jung, a disciple, to realize that dreams are a 'openness to other dimensions.
Alexander Dinardo
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Blush For Tanned Skin
elf / theatridithalia like a touchscreen
intensive testing at all dated. Integrated players cynical in the story, burning glare. a direction that seems a touch screen, where you can choose which quadrant represent and illuminate, while others are waiting to be selected.
beautiful elf / theatridithalia de captains and brown, seen at the Teatro Valle in Rome.
America of the '80s with the specter of AIDS and the warning on the careers of rampant climbers opportunists and cowards. All pay a price: the text of Kushner moralist? A picture not yet faded, rather . and probable thoughts on individual sentences, the synthesis of complexity of thought, love and compassion, the powerful minority, the evil that seems to laugh at himself.
beautiful the scenes are illuminated by projections. beautiful music to enhance the story. good actors, among a tangle of bodies, hallucinations and imaginary friends, and blood disease.
who knows how the TV miniseries with De Niro and Al Pacino.
intensive testing at all dated. Integrated players cynical in the story, burning glare. a direction that seems a touch screen, where you can choose which quadrant represent and illuminate, while others are waiting to be selected.
beautiful elf / theatridithalia de captains and brown, seen at the Teatro Valle in Rome.
America of the '80s with the specter of AIDS and the warning on the careers of rampant climbers opportunists and cowards. All pay a price: the text of Kushner moralist? A picture not yet faded, rather . and probable thoughts on individual sentences, the synthesis of complexity of thought, love and compassion, the powerful minority, the evil that seems to laugh at himself.
beautiful the scenes are illuminated by projections. beautiful music to enhance the story. good actors, among a tangle of bodies, hallucinations and imaginary friends, and blood disease.
who knows how the TV miniseries with De Niro and Al Pacino.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Cristian Aguilera Boobs
witnessed the miracle of the Sun at Fatima (October 13, 1917)
We watched the sun without difficulty - tells the father of Jacinta - and not blinded. It seemed that went out and comes on a bit 'in a way, a bit' in another. Cast rays of light from side to side and colored in different colors everything: the trees and the people, land and air. But the most amazing thing is that the sun will not hurt your eyesight.

Everything was quiet and peaceful. All kept their eyes turned skyward, at one point when the sun stopped and then began to dance and jump on, stopped again and again began to dance, to the point that appeared to detach from the sky and come upon us. It was a terrible moment! ... " .
Maria da Capelinha said " The sun takes on different colors: yellow, blue, white and trembling, trembling so much that it looked like a wheel of fire were to fall on people! All shouted : 'Ah, Jesus, here we all die! Jesus, here we all die! '.
Others shouted 'O Mary, help!' - and recited the act of contrition. There was even a lady who made a general confession, and said aloud: 'I did this and that sin ...'.
Finally, the sun stood still and all gave a big sigh of relief. They were still alive and that was the miracle that the three children had proclaimed: sixty thousand people gathered there, believers and nonbelievers, testified that the singular " .
disbelief that he laughed
very interesting is also the description given by P. Lourenco Ignatius: "I was then only nine years old and attending elementary school in my country, which is 18 or 19 kilometers from Fatima. It was about noon when we were surprised by the cries and shouts of men and women who passed on the street in front the School. The teacher was the first to run on the road without being able to stop us kids behind the corressimo. In the street the people wept and cried, pointing to the sun: it was a miracle, that miracle which could be seen clearly from the upstream, where it is put my country. I feel I can not describe how I felt then and I saw [...].
Next to me was an unbeliever who had spent the morning laugh at the gullible who did all that journey to Fatima 'to see a girl'. I looked it was like paralyzed, lost, scared, with eyes fixed on the sun. Then I saw him tremble from head to toe, and raising his hands to the sky, dropping to his knees in mud, crying out: 'Our Lady! Our Lady! ' [...].
past ten minutes of terrible and extraordinary phenomena, the sun returned to his post in the same way they had come down, pale and almost without beauty ... When people are persuaded that the danger he had escaped, was an explosion of joy. All broke in a chorus of thanksgiving: 'Miracle, miracle! Blessed be the God! ' ".
When the solar phenomenon, of course, was a fact unexplained: all those people, it was soaked in water, he found himself completely dry.
the Blessed Virgin had increased its wonders to confirm the truth of the allegations of child seers and, ultimately, the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Why the concern of Mary is one: to make us understand that what Jesus said is true, indeed: the Truth! "
Archbishop Angelo Comastri
from the magazine" Mother of God, "Paul ed.San (November 2003)
Bully Beatdown Cancelled
The Meaning of Life in Adolescents
of Claudio Nicholas
The search for meaning Life is a stage in life of every man, very difficult to be acquired for a long time. This choice will ensure that everything will be fulfilled: the desires, hopes and disappointments.
For a teenager, I think, is too premature to speak of searching for meaning in life, because they still (in most cases) are not decided what you will do great or at least we assume a future.
Yes, of course, must be something internal, and especially staff. Religion helps us greatly in this research, educates us, teaches us to think and aspire to something, always right and in full awareness of God feelings guide us in everyday life, are like the impulses that help us respond to various vicissitudes ; of life, help us to decide and to take many initiatives.
also help us, I think, to find in a personal, interior and sincere, our meaning of life. Everyone, in fact, is affected by how which reveals them, each has its own way to find out. For example, a person of good heart, who loves his fellow man, you liked to serve it (such as the scouts who help others in all circumstances).
Everyone, however, is marked by events that changes the meaning and the way to st iver his life, a very bad experience, for example, will mark all his life, the individual, making sure that he will look at their lives from a different perspective, with another meaning.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Linsey Dawn And The Doctor
The Gospel of Sunday, February 20, 2011 Public Meeting
At that time, Jesus told his disciples:
You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but if one slaps you on the right cheek, you turn to him also? Other, and those who want to take you to court and take your tunic, let him have your coat. And if one forces you to accompany him for a mile, go with him to let two. For those who asks you, and who want to borrow not turn your back.
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so you may be sons of your Father that in heaven he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. In fact, if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even the publicans? And if you greet your brethren only, what are you doing than others? Do not even pagans? You, therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Word of the Lord

You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth?. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but if one slaps you on the right cheek, you turn to him also? Other, and those who want to take you to court and take your tunic, let him have your coat. And if one forces you to accompany him for a mile, go with him to let two. For those who asks you, and who want to borrow not turn your back.
You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so you may be sons of your Father that in heaven he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. In fact, if you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Do not even the publicans? And if you greet your brethren only, what are you doing than others? Do not even pagans? You, therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect. Word of the Lord
Kate Playground Clips
catalog of music lessons, February-July 2011
classical music instructions is a series of meetings that I organize my house or acquaintances, but also from associations, libraries, universities in other words ,.... all places and in all the lakes.
I have always been a worry. I regret the fact that classical music is not understood and beloved wasted what beauty, what a pleasure limited how much knowledge sacrificed.
yet there is a musical competence induced by the dominant culture. just discovering it. I am convinced that a multimedia approach is the right key to enter this world. disclosed, folks.
classical music instructions is a series of meetings that I organize my house or acquaintances, but also from associations, libraries, universities in other words ,.... all places and in all the lakes.
I have always been a worry. I regret the fact that classical music is not understood and beloved wasted what beauty, what a pleasure limited how much knowledge sacrificed.
yet there is a musical competence induced by the dominant culture. just discovering it. I am convinced that a multimedia approach is the right key to enter this world. disclosed, folks.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wedding Shower Monetary Contribution Requests
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Average Pounds Of Meat From A Whitetail Deer
must speak of the existence of Hell House
of Gaetano Capillo
The messages that Our Lady has given to the shepherds at Fatima, is divided into two parts . They are the first two parts which Sister Lucia wrote in his "Third Memoir" of August 31, 1941, in obedience to the Bishop of Fatima, believing that now was "come forward" to make it public, omitting, however, the third party. One is on the vision of hell where the souls of sinners the other concerns that the alternative proposal, by the will of God, the Virgin offers to humanity, for the salvation of their souls.
The first part of the "secret":
"Our Lady showed us a great sea of \u200b\u200bfire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in human form in the fire, carried by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, falling on all sides, similar to the sparks in huge fires, without weight or equilibrium, amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, but transparent and blacks. This vision lasted but an instant. And thanks to our kind heavenly Mother, who before had already prepared us by promising to take us to Heaven (first appearance), otherwise, I think we would have died of fright and terror. "
What's new in this vision? None. It is a further confirmation for unbelievers! The dogma of hell, the Magisterium of the Church, found in Sacred Scripture. Denying the hell would deny the Holy Scripture itself, in which often speak of "fire degl'inferi "; Sheol in Hebrew; Hades in greek: 16.30 Nm, Dt 32.22, 2 Sam 22.6; 1 Kings 2:9; Ps 9.18, 7.9 GB, 7 Pr , 27, 30.16; Is 14,9-12.15.19, 66.24; also sometimes understood as "grave": 1 Kings 2.6, 7.9 Gb; Is 38.18; ie 's in the deep abyss of the "earth": GB 26.5-6, 38, 16-17, Dt 32.22, 26.20 to 21 Ez; in ' oblivion of darkness and the shadow of death : Psalm 88 0.11 to 13, Pr 2.18 to 19, from 10.21 to 22 Gb, 18.18; where many people will fall as a pastor death itself (Ps. 49:15) and will be consumed by a fire not stoked by human hands (Job 20:26).
also shows how the Christian revelation denied the veracity of hell: Luke 16.23, 2 Pet 2:4, Rev 6.8, because its wording constantly repeated in the teachings of Jesus, often referred to as fire of hell: Mt 5,22,29-30, 10.28, 18.9, 23.15, 23.33; 9,43.45.47 Mk, Lk 12:5; sometimes everlasting fire: Mt 3 , 10.12, 7.19, 13.40, 18.8, 25.41, Mk 9.48, or precipice degl'inferi: Mt 11.23, Lk 10.15; darkness in which there is weeping and gnashing of teeth: Mt 8.12: 13,42.50; 22.13, 24.51, 25.30, Lk 13.28, 16.23 to 26;
The teaching of the Apostles shows a constant feedback: 2 Thes 1.9, 2.10, 1 Thess 5.3 , Rom 9:22; Phil 3.19; 1 Cor 1:18, 2 Corinthians 2.15, 4.3, 1 Tim 6.9, Rev. 14.10, 19.20, 20.10 to 15, 21.8.
To speak of hell in the Bible is allegorical language used an existential, with the intent to explain the transcendent world beyond. fact speaks of a "place" (Sheol) and describes him as a "caveman underworld", where the damned souls are crowded into the fire and smoke, the cries of pain unquenchable (hell comes from the Latin infernus , which means "place that is below, under" ). The same language he uses Sister Lucia, to illustrate what she claims to have seen and that the Virgin has appeared.
The human being is able to understand only the glimmer of the existence of God or hell after death, and the like can be grasped in the dream, because the reality is much bigger than he is given, and intellectually to perceive significantly penetrate for the simple fact that the eternal realities are not placed in the dimension of time, but transcendent afterlife. These symbols help the human being to perceive and express (for Sister Lucia, who sees and tells) and imagine (for those who are informed), an existence in itself ineffable or horrible.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not believing in the existence of hell is like not to believe a traffic signal indicating a forthcoming "curva pericolosa">>. Enrico Medi, physical
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In S. Port Maria Pace, the Daughters of the Church to listen, meet God
On the occasion of 'TRAINING MEETING INTRA , the House of Spirituality Arghillà, hosted the Daughters of the Community Church Nicotera, SYRACUSE, Ischia, Salerno, Rome, Milan, Reggio Calabria . A meeting that has seen many sisters in fellowship, "one heart and one soul." This congregation stands for the Spirit hovers over all of their communities, all over the world, because every house in all its diversity, respect the universal rules of hospitality, of friendship, love, hospitality and service. All of this, we like to believe, to stay in sync with the Mystical Body of Christ, many different members to the One Body. Just visit any of their houses for "touch" what we are describing.
by the "Friends of Fatima "
In group, around the well of the House of Arghillà, not by chance but for a specific reason : well called Sicar to indicate the event Jacob's well where Jesus sits waiting for the woman who is about to draw water. Even today, Jesus is the well that expects, accepts and asks the eternal and ancient question: "Give me a drink, woman!". E 'Jesus the light, the living water waiting for the deep personal dialogue with everyone and everyone. It is Jesus, the Son of God, the Word made flesh, who desire to enter the personal history of each, craving to speak of the Father's plan, seen as digging in with the Samaritan woman. It is the journey of the inner man, the inner beauty.
In this place of silence the first sign in the garden entrance is well, then, is a place of listening to the Word of God to the human, for the meeting with the brothers , meeting with the Paradise.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Images Of Hairs On Vegina
The First Communion ... and maybe the last one!
of Gaetano Capillo
Yet this relationship, which initially appeared to be inseparable, it breaks. Something did not work! In the family, school, parish or in the 'environment frequented by them, something has diverted their attention, their love for these beautiful things! These guys never strays from a person to whom you are loyal, they want good, as it is for mom, the father or a brother. Not be able! In fact, no relationship, these moments of a series of loving, signs of a true Christian family.
D fter the First Communion, the next appointment, 90% of boys, is the moment of Confirmation. This, often, it refers to the days before (possible) Marriage, as an obligation, or you will "forget" completely, to receive this sacrament. Yet the boys show excited to attend the catechism. They are interested and passionate, they are amazed by the bread that becomes the Eucharist.
They want to know, understand. Interviewing parents. They wonder if they are capable of this meeting. Never feel prepared enough and are persistent questions. But ... something happens. The growth of this spiritual journey is interrupted abruptly.
What could have happened? The guys who are preparing for First Communion are in a fact-finding phase of the person of Jesus must be inferred, then, that just did not know? They knew it hurt? Or they have come to be in communion with him, unconsciously! How is this possible? When we speak of Jesus to the kids, they are excited to know his life, from Christmas to Easter, from the parables of miracles;

But it should not be the same for the First Communion? Between the boy and Jesus, you should establish a lasting bond of love and unchanging? The preparation of all this is not a course of lessons! This is not to pass an examination, but a real meeting. An encounter with a person who could change their lives, even with different projects by expectations of many parents who, whilst affirming Christians would never accept a son a priest.
is why the question of what you remember of that day, the boy responds with candor, "the restaurant."
This, perhaps, was one of the greatest concerns of those parents, along with that of sophisticated clothes for the ceremony of the "hall." For the church ceremony, now, " using "the tunic, concern, this, those who prepared the children for First Communion. The tunics are of various types and price, making drop (unfortunately) the lineup of the "possibility", but what should be the symbol of equality: it is relegated to the margins and the real party, the encounter with Christ.
Year after year, this phenomenon is accentuated. Hundreds of students "pass" and move away from the ecclesial community. Parents (and not only them!) Become aware that they are primarily responsible for the education of their children, to true freedom of spirit.
and prepare ourselves, consciously, that are moved to the criticisms, with due cause, who is looking for "material" against those si allontana dalla dottrina cristiana, pur rimanendo, ipocritamente, cristiano!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
What Does A Side Ways Peace Sign Mean?
The need to pray that
of P. Antonio Carfì
In Gethsemane, as Jesus urged his disciples: \u0026lt;> (Mk 14, 38). We, too, the disciples of the Third Christian Millennium, we must take seriously that, in itself the spirit would also be ready, while the meat (ie, the heaviness of life, worries, fears, problems, the inputs that we come from an increasingly secularized) contributes to weakening our spiritual aspiration toward God Among the many reasons for which you need to pray, Jesus, with the passage quoted above, indicates a very important fortify the spiritual battle against temptations that, in art, created by the evil one get away from God and, therefore, by the Way, the Truth and the Life (cf. Jn 14, 6). For our vocal prayer is done well, it will be useful to remember three important things that can help us to remove the distractions: Who is this (God), the words that turn (the formula used), who is the speaker (a sinner, sure, but loved to madness of the cross). This scheme helps us to understand the greatness of prayer that allows us to enter into a loving relationship with God the Father / Son / Holy Spirit. When we are going to pray, we must first make a profound act of worship and realize that we are putting in the presence of God to our prayers, sighs, desires, in the Holy Spirit through the Son, comes to the Father. When we pray, He is with us, hear us and is ready to hear us when we ask him what part of His will. For this we need to think carefully about the formulas we use.
In Gethsemane, as Jesus urged his disciples: \u0026lt;
masters of the ancient East, we would say that when we pray, we must have the mind in the heart, that we must ensure that the words we say with our lips leave the bottom of my heart and not just those on a repetitive and mechanical (this is always the risk of vocal prayers, for example, the Holy Rosary), and finally, always remember our reality: we are sinners admitted to the presence of God only His infinite mercy.
This attitude helps us to be humble and to turn to God with the necessary humility, respect, but also with filial confidence. There are lots of tools available to believers pray to help them in this wonderful encounter with God
Sunday, February 6, 2011
How Much Benzonatate To Feel High
cooks shrimp red channel
if tune the channel 411 of Sky are lost. something perverse hypnotizes me and nails me to the screen.
easy to talk about my favorite, Laura Ravaioli (nomen omen, if you leverage an "a" to the surname). Sums up what I like about cooking is the absolute subjectivity within the traditions The contamination between cultures, personal taste and variations, the ethnological research, experience in the kitchens of Italian restaurants and foreign care implementation (without those gestures peculiar to some hotel school cooks as existed choreography designed to beat eggs or to emulsify sauces), order and cleanliness, the synaesthetic pleasure, the presentation beautiful but not contrived. only thing about it is very thin. as it does?
my favorite, from a different perspective than the Ravaioli, is Maurizio Santin, the pastry chef messy. in its half-hour drive prepare dessert complicated, but the execution requires considerable patience. dirty bastard and a multitude of various containers, the fall for things by hand, puts her fingers to taste (the same finger that later assemble the cake), pastry bakes bases that come off badly, roaring with the tools and attempts to compose towers of goodness (the collapse often, I think the final will take in the frame along with the attack). and to finish: icing sugar. Always, always, regardless of the cake. sometimes I say no, no, this time it will not because everything seems so harmonious, and yet .... some mythical chocolate preparations, which should like very much. I remember one that presaged a transparent glass consists of three different colors of chocolate (apparently, there was also a match of consistency: the harder a creamier). Well, the glass is the end result of a single color (prohibited analogies), spotted everywhere and, of course, covered with so much sugar. he is cute and sweet are also good, but to see ....
then there are other hosts. adrenaline Simone Rugiati , imaginative and pleasure for a younger audience. coach Massimiliano Mariola , shoulder kind of good Italian cooks. Marco Sabellico, the wine expert.
and foreigners. The inexplicable success of Jamie Oliver : fat dishes from a thousand ingredients, prepared as we did we would never in restaurant kitchens or by creative friends: hands (hands, not fingers) dipped in the preparations and then dried before returning to wherever compounds, with tasting chews exhibited. Then there is the Buster Keaton of chefs, Anthony Bourdain . he is there by accident. elegant and aloof, recounts his travels to every culinary taste and proclaims a uhmmmm we should describe the whole. makes life that we all want, really, but maybe he's tired. has always a lit cigarette: can we trust its taste buds? surreal, mythical nigella lawson, jessica rizzo the kitchen. seems to have sex with all winks and sway: use plenty of ingredients and preparations, for which a food is transfigured and rendered unrecognizable. has closets full of jars containing peanuts of all kinds who use it generously, add ingredients to ingredients with his smile that nonsaicosatifarebbe.
to everyone, is a cook. All tastes and styles are covered and you learn a lot. I continue to nail me for future programming.
if tune the channel 411 of Sky are lost. something perverse hypnotizes me and nails me to the screen.
easy to talk about my favorite, Laura Ravaioli (nomen omen, if you leverage an "a" to the surname). Sums up what I like about cooking is the absolute subjectivity within the traditions The contamination between cultures, personal taste and variations, the ethnological research, experience in the kitchens of Italian restaurants and foreign care implementation (without those gestures peculiar to some hotel school cooks as existed choreography designed to beat eggs or to emulsify sauces), order and cleanliness, the synaesthetic pleasure, the presentation beautiful but not contrived. only thing about it is very thin. as it does?
my favorite, from a different perspective than the Ravaioli, is Maurizio Santin, the pastry chef messy. in its half-hour drive prepare dessert complicated, but the execution requires considerable patience. dirty bastard and a multitude of various containers, the fall for things by hand, puts her fingers to taste (the same finger that later assemble the cake), pastry bakes bases that come off badly, roaring with the tools and attempts to compose towers of goodness (the collapse often, I think the final will take in the frame along with the attack). and to finish: icing sugar. Always, always, regardless of the cake. sometimes I say no, no, this time it will not because everything seems so harmonious, and yet .... some mythical chocolate preparations, which should like very much. I remember one that presaged a transparent glass consists of three different colors of chocolate (apparently, there was also a match of consistency: the harder a creamier). Well, the glass is the end result of a single color (prohibited analogies), spotted everywhere and, of course, covered with so much sugar. he is cute and sweet are also good, but to see ....
then there are other hosts. adrenaline Simone Rugiati , imaginative and pleasure for a younger audience. coach Massimiliano Mariola , shoulder kind of good Italian cooks. Marco Sabellico, the wine expert.
and foreigners. The inexplicable success of Jamie Oliver : fat dishes from a thousand ingredients, prepared as we did we would never in restaurant kitchens or by creative friends: hands (hands, not fingers) dipped in the preparations and then dried before returning to wherever compounds, with tasting chews exhibited. Then there is the Buster Keaton of chefs, Anthony Bourdain . he is there by accident. elegant and aloof, recounts his travels to every culinary taste and proclaims a uhmmmm we should describe the whole. makes life that we all want, really, but maybe he's tired. has always a lit cigarette: can we trust its taste buds? surreal, mythical nigella lawson, jessica rizzo the kitchen. seems to have sex with all winks and sway: use plenty of ingredients and preparations, for which a food is transfigured and rendered unrecognizable. has closets full of jars containing peanuts of all kinds who use it generously, add ingredients to ingredients with his smile that nonsaicosatifarebbe.
to everyone, is a cook. All tastes and styles are covered and you learn a lot. I continue to nail me for future programming.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Cookworks Signature Breadmaker Manual
villains. the dark side of London West End
always to be applauded Romaeuropa . collects trends, some, just enough to liven up the environment seriously Roman art exhibition.
this show promised to be a representation of gothic melodies cabarettizzate or cabaret, dark atmosphere and black humor. in part it was fun. effects, costumes, posters projected as a silent film, otherwise known tunes played, raw drama: mr joe black pustra and are presented in their repertoires a little 'circus, a little' vaudeville, a little 'fetish.
unfortunate that the treatment has been intermittent. studied singing, surreal creatures. is a shame not to enjoy the beautiful melodies of interpretations due to declining inexorably. care of the dynamics, you can not play forever and without strong balance sounds (ah, that sax and the accordion: the noise!).
was perhaps a technical problem of amplification on stage? will be affected.
always to be applauded Romaeuropa . collects trends, some, just enough to liven up the environment seriously Roman art exhibition.
this show promised to be a representation of gothic melodies cabarettizzate or cabaret, dark atmosphere and black humor. in part it was fun. effects, costumes, posters projected as a silent film, otherwise known tunes played, raw drama: mr joe black pustra and are presented in their repertoires a little 'circus, a little' vaudeville, a little 'fetish.
unfortunate that the treatment has been intermittent. studied singing, surreal creatures. is a shame not to enjoy the beautiful melodies of interpretations due to declining inexorably. care of the dynamics, you can not play forever and without strong balance sounds (ah, that sax and the accordion: the noise!).
was perhaps a technical problem of amplification on stage? will be affected.
How To Open A Combination
must rest: condiments and siculitudini
Sicilian broccoli drowned in wine. I eat it in Catania. broccoli + onion + red wine. you do the day before, he must rest.
the pumpkin and sour. Messina? sicula, of course. is fried with garlic and fades with white vinegar. cook, a handful of fresh mint and pepper. you do the day before, he must rest.
Aeolian roasted eggplant, seasoned with garlic, oregano, mint, chili and an emulsion of oil and vinegar. is ago the day before, he must rest. Palermo
cauliflower cooked with white wine, raisins, pine nuts, onion, anchovy. you do the day before, he must rest.
placed and thoughtful people, my.
Sicilian broccoli drowned in wine. I eat it in Catania. broccoli + onion + red wine. you do the day before, he must rest.
the pumpkin and sour. Messina? sicula, of course. is fried with garlic and fades with white vinegar. cook, a handful of fresh mint and pepper. you do the day before, he must rest.
Aeolian roasted eggplant, seasoned with garlic, oregano, mint, chili and an emulsion of oil and vinegar. is ago the day before, he must rest. Palermo
cauliflower cooked with white wine, raisins, pine nuts, onion, anchovy. you do the day before, he must rest.
placed and thoughtful people, my.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Court Houses On Queens Blvd
there are those, like lang lang , pirouette on the keyboard and provides each step (austere, regal, sweet ,...). everything seems easy, a child's play, and in fact laughs and smiles. the most diligent little confusing for young people who want to get very little study and, possibly at high speed. I am reminded of a quote from "but when they get the girls?" Avatar. notes with a little Briguglia the talented santamaria Dorelli and tells his father in the film pretentious: the talent is a gift, while the passion is a misconception. true. then that is what has happened to many students of the conservatory, you are excellent in the province, Bravini around, but too many in number for the market (troppissimi, then, for a market "old" and old, my grandmother would say with all due respect).
there are those, such as pollen , composed and inspired focuses on the keyboard. just him. seems onanism her, understood by all as an idea, but totally subjective in practice. every step, every detail has been studied, compared and selected from among many possible interpretations. and respect for what is most concerted and partly by himself.
there are also women, as sisters lebèque , summing up many women's attitudes and, above all, do not take themselves seriously. technically aggressive, ranging through many musical styles and repertories (ah, the usual female trasevrsalità? no, it is common among artists.) carrying out projects with other artists, so get engaged.
all this to say that there are ways of interpreting the world to represent and enhance the meaning of what you do. applies to large, though. is a small introduction to the next post
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